Weapons & Weapon Properties
New weapons and weapon properties
Weapon Properties
This weapon is weighted to provide great cutting power
When you score a critical hit with a cleaving weapon, you roll a higher damage die for the weapon’s damage, as indicated in the parenthesis following the weapon’s damage.
For example, a poleaxe inflicts 2d4 slashing damage (cleaving d6). If you score a critical hit with a poleaxe, the weapon’s damage dice increase to 2d6.
This weapon is useful for defending yourself against attacks
This weapon is designed specifically for parrying or deflecting incoming attacks. It may have a basket hilt or specially designed hand guards designed to catch incoming weapons and turn them away. When wielding this weapon, you may use your reaction to increase your AC by 1. If you have a feat, class feature, or other trait that grants you an AC bonus at the cost of your reaction, you increase that AC bonus by 1 while wielding a Defending weapon. You can only gain the AC bonus from one guarding weapon at a time.
This weapon can be used to grapple an enemy
A weapon with the ensnaring property can be used to perform a grappling attack within the weapon’s range or reach. Make a weapon attack instead of the usual Strength (Athletics) check. The target resists the attempt normally.
This weapon is unusual and takes some getting used to
Exotic weapons are not intuitive in their design and a creature must specifically train to use such a weapon effectively.
Having proficiency in a weapon category (martial or simple) does not provide proficiency in exotic weapons of that type. Exotic weapons count as improvised weapons unless a creature has proficiency in a weapon category including the exotic weapon and also spends time, money, and effort to gain proficiency during downtime using the rules for gaining tool, vehicle, and language proficiency. Alternatively, a creature may gain proficiency specifically in an exotic weapon from a feat or class feature (such as the monk’s Martial Arts feature) without needing to spend time and money to train.
Note that exotic weapons are not improvised weapons, so proficiency in improvised weapons does not provide proficiency with exotic weapons.
Proficiency in another weapon gives proficiency in this weapon
A weapon with familiarity is similar enough to another weapon that proficiency in one counts as proficiency in the other.
For example, a small sword has familiarity with rapiers, so any class with proficiency in rapier can also apply their proficiency bonus to attacks made with a small sword.
When creating new weapons, the familiarity property allows you to work them easily into existing class proficiencies.
This weapon is designed to bite especially deep
Impaling weapons deal extra piercing damage if an attack roll made with the weapon succeeds by 5 or more. The damage is listed in parenthesis after the weapon’s damage dice. If a critical hit is scored and the weapon attack successfully impales, the impaling damage is also doubled.
Impaling damage is usually (but not always) less than the weapon’s standard damage die. For example, a backsword inflicts 1d6 piercing damage (impaling 1d4), so if the attack roll exceeds the target’s AC by 5 or more, you would roll 1d6 + 1d4 for the weapon’s damage.
This weapon is weighted to hit soft targets especially hard
When attacking unarmored creatures, creatures with natural armor, or creatures wearing light armor, a weapon with the thrashing property deals an additional point of Bludgeoning damage on every weapon damage die rolled. This includes additional damage inflicted on critical hits.
The weapons presented in the 5e fantasy rules are a great starting point. Here you’ll find additional ideas for weapons your players can equip and use in combat.
If a feat or feature specifies a certain weapon must be used to benefit from the effects of that feature, a weapon counts as the same weapon if it lists it next to its weapon type. For example, a broadsword lists “Martial Melee Weapon (sword)” in its description, so any feat or feature requiring you to be holding a sword will function.
Martial Melee Weapon (sword), 2 lbs, 15 gp
- 1d6 piercing damage
- familiarity (broadsword), defending, impaling (1d4)
A single-edged thrusting sword with a triangular blade (in cross-section), giving it a flat backed blade. Usually equipped with a basket hilt for better defense.
Bagh Nakhs (Claws)
Exotic Martial Melee Weapon, negligible weight, 4 sp
- 1 slashing damage + ability score modifier
- exotic, light, monk weapon, special
Bagh nakhs are small metal claws with finger loops that allow the wearer to slash with punches or open palmed strikes (depending on how the claws are worn). Bagh nakhs turn the character’s unarmed strikes into slashing damage. A Monk may also add 1 point of damage to thier Martial Arts die (which becomes slashing) when wearing bagh nahks. A creature equipped with bagh nakhs also gains +1 to Athletics checks made to climb while wearing Bagh Nakhs.
Bastard Sword
Martial Melee Weapon (sword), 5 lbs, 25 gp
- 2d4 slashing damage
- familiarity (greatsword, longsword), heavy, versatile (1d12)
A sword longer than an arming sword (longsword) but not as large as a greatsword. Claymores and other “hand-and-a-half” swords are bastard swords.
Bladed Gauntlet (Pata)
Exotic Martial Melee Weapon (sword), 5 lbs, 60 gp
- 1d8 piercing damage
- exotic, defending, light, special
A sword that extends from a steel gauntlet worn over the wielder’s hand, wrist and partially up the forearm. Because of the construction of the gauntlet, the wielder has advantage on any saving throw made against a disarm attempt.
Martial Melee Weapon (sword), 3 lbs, 20 gp
- 2d4 piercing damage
- familiarity (backsword, longsword), defending
A basket-hilted single-handed blade, ideal for defensive fighting styles.
Cudgel (Singlestick)
Simple Melee Weapon, 2 lbs, 2 sp
- 1d4 bludgeoning damage
- familiarity (club, broadsword), thrashing
A wooden rod used in training for sword-fighting. Balanced to provide more leverage to the strike.
Exotic Improvised Melee Weapon, 10 lbs, 5 gp
- 1d4 bludgeoning damage
- ensnaring, exotic, heavy, reach, versatile (1d6)
A simple length of chain used as a makeshift weapon, with training a creature can become proficient in using a chain effectively. When a long enough length of chain is used two handed, a great deal of momentum can be brought to bear by swinging the chain in a circle before launching one end at an enemy.
Dueling Sword
Martial Melee Weapon (sword), 3 lbs, 35 gp
- 1d8 piercing damage
- defending, familiarity (backsword, rapier), impaling (1d6)
- Note: this weapon does not have the finesse property.
A heavier descendant of the rapier, the dueling sword is a long, straight piercing blade with a cup-guard that protects the hand and can be used effectively to defend.
Flanged Mace
Martial Melee Weapon (mace), 6lbs, 8 gp
- 1d6 bludgeoning damage
- familiarity (morningstar), thrashing
A mace with vertical metal flanges (long, blade-like protrusions) radiating along the bludgeoning face, increasing the force delivered to a smaller area of the target.
Simple Melee Weapon (dagger), negligible weight, 5 sp
- 1 piercing damage + ability score modifier
- familiarity (dagger), impaling (1d4), throwing
A knife is a tool that can be used as a weapon in dire straits. This weapon essentially turns your unarmed damage into piercing damage. Knives also impale for 1d4 damage if your attack roll is high enough.
Parrying Dagger
Martial Melee Weapon (dagger), 2 lbs, 5 gp
- 1d4 piercing damage
- defending, familiarity (dagger), finesse, light
- Note: this weapon does not have the thrown property
A dagger designed specifically to catch and deflect weapons, often used in Two Weapon Fighting with a longer weapon.
Variant: Sai
Special parrying daggers called sai’s are considered Monk weapons. A sai is a three-pronged, one handed martial weapon the size of a dagger, with the central prong being longer than the two at the sides. They are used like clubs when attacking, as they lack a sharpened edge.
- 1d4 bludgeoning damage
- defending, familiarity (club), finesse, light, monk weapon
Pole Hammer
Martial Melee Weapon (polearm), 15 lbs, 7 gp
- 2d4 bludgeoning damage
- heavy, reach, thrashing, two handed
A polearm equipped with a war-hammer on the business end. The Lucerne hammer and bec de corbin are examples of a pole hammer.
Martial Melee Weapon (polearm), 12 lbs, 7 gp
- 2d4 slashing damage
- cleaving (2d6) heavy, reach, two handed
A polearm equipped with a battleaxe on the business end. The bardiche and voulge are two examples of a poleaxe.
Recurved Dagger
Martial Melee Weapon (dagger), 2 lbs, 8 gp
- 1d4 slashing damage
- cleaving 1d6, familiarity (dagger), light
- Note: this weapon does not have the thrown property
A dagger-sized cutting knife with a blade that curves inwardly at a sharp angle. This is essentially a dagger-sized version of the sickle sword below. The kukri is an example of a recurved dagger.
Martial Melee Weapon (sword)
- 1d8 slashing damage
- familiarity (scimitar), finesse, rogue weapon
A single edged fencing sword that curves toward the point, making it ideal for slashing rather than stabbing. Rogues are proficient with sabres.
Simple Melee Weapon, 8 lbs, 3gp
- 1d8 slashing damage
- heavy, two handed
A farming implement used to harvest grain, some scythes have been converted into weapons of war.
Variant: War Scythe
A war scythe has been specially designed for use in combat.
- 1d8 slashing damage
- cleaving (1d10), heavy, two handed
Sickle Sword
Martial Melee Weapon (sword)
- 1d8 slashing damage
- cleaving (1d10), familiarity (scimitar)
A sword whose blade curves inward like a scythe blade, making the weapon functionally something of a cross between an ax and a sword. Examples include the falcata, falx, kopis, and khopesh.
Variant: Short Sickle Sword
Short sword variants of the sickle sword exist, such as the harpe and the makhaira. A short sickle sword can also be re-skinned as a machete.
- 1d6 slashing damage
- cleaving (1d8), familiarity (scimitar)
Small Sword
Martial Melee Weapon (sword)
- 1d6 piercing damage
- familiarity (rapier), finesse, impaling (1d4)
- Note: this weapon does not have the light property
A small sword is a short, thin bladed sword similar to a smaller rapier, designed for thrusting attacks. Popular with nobility as a weapon for everyday fashion.
Spiked Mace
Martial Melee Weapon (mace)
- 1d6 piercing damage
- familiarity (rapier), impaling (1d6)
Smaller than a morningstar, but similar in use. As a martial weapon, a spiked mace has the additional impaling property over the standard mace. Additionally, it has a higher impaling die than usual.
Martial Melee Weapon (dagger)
- 1d4 piercing damage
- familiarity (dagger), finesse, light, impaling (1d4)
- Note: this weapon does not have the thrown property
A thin round-bladed dagger with a lethal point. Popular with scoundrels, assassins, and courtiers, who may have need of an easily concealable weapon.
Arcane Foci
The following arcane foci are specially designed for combat casting. While a standard arcane focus can be of many varied materials, these wands have been crafted with specific magical resonances that enhance particular forms of spell-casting.
Argent Wand
Arcane Focus (wand), 32 gp
- A silver wand can be used as an arcane focus
- You add +1 to your spellcasting ability modifier when attempting to counter a spell of a level equal to or less than the spell slot you expend when casting counterspell while holding an argent wand
A wand made of cast silver, inlaid with gems and inscribed with magical symbols.
Fang Wand
Arcane Focus (wand), 35 gp
- An ivory wand can be used as an arcane focus
- Add your proficiency bonus to any temporary hit points you receive from spells you cast while holding an ivory wand
A wand made of the tusk or tooth of a magical beast set with iron bands and carved with arcane runes stained with charcoal.
Horn Wand
Arcane Focus (wand), 30 gp
- A horn wand can be used as an arcane focus
- add +1 to Constitution checks made to maintain concentration on conjuration spells while holding a horn wand.
A wand made from the horn or antler of a magical beast, wrapped in leather and adorned with beads, bones, and feathers attached with sinew.
Osseous Wand
Arcane Focus (wand), 30 gp
- An osseous wand can be used as an arcane focus
- add +1 to the Spell Save DC of curses you cast while holding an osseaous wand
A wand made of a bone taken from a magical or undead creature, the handle wrapped in burial linens and the length inlaid with onyx.
Quickthorn Wand
Arcane Focus (wand), 30 gp
- A quickthorn wand can be used as an arcane focus
- add +1 to spell attack rolls made against undead creatures when you cast spells using a quickthorn wand as your arcane focus
A wand made of a hawthorn wood harvested while still living, dried in the sun, and hardened over an open flame. The grip is wrapped in silk, and a bloodstone is set at the end of the handle.
Yew Wand
Arcane Focus (wand), 30 gp
- A yew wand can be used as an arcane focus
- add +1 to attack rolls when casting cantrips that inflict necrotic damage
- add +1 poison damage per damage die when casting cantrips that inflict poison damage
A wand made of slow growing hard wood from an ancient yew tree, adorned with amber gemstones and coated in shellac resin.