Inspiration Cards
The Inspiration deck is a way to provide more excitement and variety when handing out Inspiration. Rather than simply acquiring and spending Inspiration, players draw from the Inspiration Deck whenever they would otherwise gain Inspiration. The rules for using the Inspiration Deck are as follows:
Drawing Cards. At the beginning of an adventure, you do not have any cards in your hand. Any time the GM would grant inspiration, you instead draw a card into your hand.
Optional: you can instead roll a percentile die to determine which cards you draw, if physical cards are not available.
Maximum Hand Size. You can have a number of Inspiration Cards at one time equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
Playing a Card. When you play a card, you remove the card from your hand, apply the effects, and then discard the card (see “Cards in Play,” and “Discarding Cards” below). Follow these general rules when playing cards from your hand:
- You may play one card per round, unless a card says otherwise.
- Unless specified, you may only play a card on your turn, although you decide when on your turn to play the card.
- You must play a card for yourself, unless the card specifies you can play the card on behalf of another creature.
Cards in Play. A card is considered “In Play” until it is placed in the discard pile. As long as a card is in play, it’s effects remain active. If a card’s text says to place the card down, the card remains in effect until it is discarded.
Discarding Cards. When a card is played, you discard it after applying its effects (as stated on the card). Unless otherwise specified, you discard a card immediately after applying its effects. Some cards may specify that they should remain in play, face up in front of a player, until some event causes them to be discarded.
Replacing Cards. During a long rest, you may discard one card to draw a new card. At the beginning of a new session, you may discard your entire hand to draw a new hand, up to the number of cards discarded.
Trading Cards to other Player. You may trade one card to another player during a short rest. You can either exchange the traded card for a card from that player’s hand, or you can simply give the card to that player without receiving a card in return. During a long rest, you may exchange any number of cards with another player, up to your maximum hand size. However you can only gift one card to another player without receiving a card in return each time you take a long rest.
Play this card on on any creature’s turn to grant advantage to one Attack Roll, Skill Check, or Saving Throw that you or another creature makes. You may play this card before or after the die is rolled, but before success or failure is determined.
Play this card on your turn to make one weapon attack, or cast one cantrip that requires a spell attack roll, against one target in range.
Heroic Action
Play this card on any creature’s turn to immediately take an action, even if you have already acted this turn. Your action can interrupt another creature’s action.
Swift Action
You may play this card on your turn to perform a bonus action, with this card taking the place of the triggering action. You must fulfill all other conditions the bonus action requires.
For example: this card can take the place of the weapon attack that triggers your bonus action attack when engaging in two weapon fighting, but you must still be holding two weapons.
Critical Confirmation
Play this card when your attack roll hits to make that attack a critical hit.
Play this card to reveal the presence of one secret or concealed door within 120 feet of your space.
If no secret doors are discovered, draw a new card and shuffle Detect Secret Doors back into the Inspiration Deck.
If you are an Elf or Half Elf, you can instead return Detect Secret Doors to your hand if no secret doors are discovered.
Play this card to change the roll of any one Charisma (Deception), Charisma (Intimidation), or Charisma (Persuasion) check you make to a 20.
Enhancement (d6)
Play this card on any creature’s turn to add 1d6 to the result of another die roll you make.
Play this card on your turn to affect a creature that you can see, and that can hear you.
That creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier) or become Enraged, gaining advantage on all attack rolls made against you. While Enraged, all attack rolls made against that creature are also rolled at advantage.
Discard Enrage at the beginning of your next turn.
Play this card on another creature’s turn to gain one of the following effects:
- One attack Roll that would successfully hit you instead misses you.
- If you would take half damage from a spell, attack, or other effect, you instead take no damage.
Fortitude Save
Play this card to succeed in any one Constitution or Death saving throw you make.
Alternatively, you may play this care to immediately reduce your Exhaustion level by one.
Enhancement (d8)
Play this card on any creature’s turn to add 1d8 to the result of another die roll you make.
Reflex Save
Play this card to succeed on any one Dexterity or Strength saving throw you make.
Play this card on any creature’s turn. Speaking in character, berate a creature within your reach for its cowardice: that creature must succeed on an Wisdom Saving throw (DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma) or that creature suffers disadvantage on any attack rolls it makes against creatures other than you while Goad is in play.
At the beginning of your next turn, discard Goad.
Play this card on any creature’s turn to immediately reroll any one die that has just been rolled, and use the new result. This can be a die that another player, or the Dungeon Master, rolls.
Gather Information
Play this card to change the roll of any one Intelligence (Investigation), Wisdom (Insight), or Wisdom (Perception) check you make to 20.
You may also play this card to affect a Charisma check made to gather information by talking to NPCs in the same way.