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Bounty Hunter

You are an expert tracer, trained to track down and capture all manner of creatures.


• Increase your Strength or Intelligence by 1 to a maximum of 20.

• You have proficiency with nets. 

• Your movement is not halved when you are moving a creature you are grappling.

• After finishing a long rest, you may designate one creature whose identity you know as your “quarry.” You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation), Wisdom (Insight), and Wisdom (Perception) rolls when the Ability Check is directly related to locating your quarry, and you add 1d6 to your Initiative rolls when in combat with your quarry.

Combat Training

You received training in a particular form of armed combat. 


• Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution by 1. You cannot increase an ability score higher than 20 in this way.

• You have proficiency in one melee weapon and one ranged weapon of your choice.

• You learn a Fighting Style of your choice from any class’s list.  You may only select a particular fighting style once, even if you are later able to learn another style.

• You gain a +1 bonus to your Initiative rating.


Deep Blooded

Restriction: This feat can only be acquired at 1st level. Tieflings may not take this feat.

You were born of otherworldly blood, one of your ancestors being a demon, devil, daemon, or other extra-planar entity. You possess otherworldly qualities unusual for a member of your non-planar ancestry.

You look more or less like a being of your origin, but you can select 2 to 5 (1d4+1) of the following features:


• an additional finger on each hand

• a forked tongue

• pointed ears

• a tail, perhaps like a cat’s, lizard’s, or a devil’s

• fingers stained black or crimson at the tips

• hoofed feet and legs like a deer, goat, or horse

• otherworldly eyes (slitted, strangely colored, glowing, etc.)

• small horns (goat-like, ram-like, stag-like antlers, etc.)

• scaly or leathery skin, or strangely colored skin

• lack of a shadow, reflection, or body heat

• the smell of charcoal or brimstone following in your wake


You gain the following benefits:


• You add +1 to your Charisma or Dexterity score.

• You have Darkvision out to 60 feet.

• You have resistance to fire damage.

• You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast hellish rebuke as a 2nd level spell once. At 5th level you can cast darkness. once Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You regain all uses of these spells when you finish a long rest.

• You can speak, read, and write Abyssal or Infernal.

• Optional. The Deep Blooded have many varied features, and you might decide that your heritage grants different expressions of your otherworldly blood.  If you do, you can choose one of the following variants.

You may choose to have bat-like wings that grew from your shoulder blades, giving you a flying speed of 30 feet. If you take this feature, you do not know any spells granted by this feat.

Alternatively, your innate magic has manifested in different ways:

◘ Instead of thaumaturgy, you may choose to know the friends, mage hand, minor illusion, ray of frost, or vicious mockery cantrip.

◘ Instead of hellish rebuke at 3rd level, you can learn the burning hands, charm person, disguise self, false lifefloating disk, or ray of sickness spell. You cast this spell as a 2nd level spell.

◘ Instead of darkness, you can cast one of the following spells at 5th level: arcane lock, crown of madness, detect thoughts,  enthrall, flame blade, invisibility, or suggestion

Dwarf Blooded

Restriction: This feat can only be acquired at 1st level. Dwarves may not take this feat.

You were born of mixed ancestries, one of your parents having been a Dwarf who endowed you with their stalwart heritage. You are powerfully built, being of stocky frame, usually six inches shorter on average than a member of your non-dwarven parent’s ancestry. Your bodyhair is prodigious, even if this is unusual for those who share your non-dwarven blood.

You gain the following benefits:


• You add +1 to your Strength score.

• You have Darkvision out to 60 feet.

• You gain advantage on saving throws against poison, and have resistance against poison damage.

• If your lifespan is less than 350 years, increase your lifespan by 75 years.

• You are considered proficient with the Intelligence (History) skill when the check is related to the origin of stonework. If you have the History skill, you can apply your proficiency bonus twice when you make Intelligence (History) checks related to the origin of stonework.

• You can speak, read, and write Dwarfish.

• Optional. When you take this feat, you can choose to have inherited more of your dwarven parent’s sturdiness: if you do so, you remove an additional level of exhaustion every time you finish a Long Rest. You are also unable to have natural offspring unless you benefit from a Wish spell.  

Elf Blooded

Restriction: This feat can only be acquired at 1st level. Elves and Half Elves may not take this feat.

You were born of mixed ancestry, one of your parents (or perhaps, grandparents) having been an Elf who passed down their fey blood to you. Your features are angular, with your eyes being large and faintly almond shaped. Your ears are subtly pointed. Otherwise you resemble your non-elven parent, blending features of both family lines. 

You gain the following benefits:


• You add +1 to your Charisma score.

• You have Darkvision out to 60 feet.

• You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and cannot be put to sleep.

• If your lifespan is less than 750 years, increase your lifespan by 100 years.

• You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

• You can speak, read, and write Elvish.

• Optional. When you take this feat, you may decide that you have a closer bond to your elven heritage. Rather than select a skill proficiency, you can choose one of the following benefits: 

  ◘ You gain proficiency with two of the following weapons: long sword, shortsword, shortbow, or longbow.

  ◘ You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list, using Intelligence as your spell-casting ability.

  ◘ Add 5 feet to your movement speed when you do not have any levels of exhaustion.

  ◘ You can attempt to hide when lightly obscured while in the wilderness.

  ◘ Your darkvision extends out to a 90 foot radius.

  ◘ You have a swimming speed of 30 feet.

  ◘ You know the dancing lights cantrip, and can cast faerie fire at 3rd level once. At 5th level you can cast darkness once. You regain all uses of these spells after a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.  If you choose this feature, you also have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight when you are standing in direct sunlight. 


Prerequisite: Dexterity 15 or greater

You are light on your feet and quick to elude incoming attacks. 


• You do not lose the benefits of the Dodge action when your speed drops to 0.

• When you take the Disengage action, your Speed increases by 5 feet until the beginning of your next turn.

• When you have no levels of Exhaustion, you can use your reaction to take the Dodge action when you are the target of an attack. When you do so, you take a level of exhaustion if you are damaged before the beginning of your next turn. You can only suffer one level of Exhaustion in this way each round.

When you Tumble through a creature’s space as an action (using the optional Tumbling rules), you can make a melee weapon attack as a bonus action.

Except-ional Might

Prerequisite: Strength 15 or greater

You are renowned for your strength, and are able to perform amazing physical feats. 


• Increase your Strength score by 1 to a maximum of 22.

• Your maximum Strength score through feats and Ability Score Increases is 22.

• You can add your Proficiency bonus to your Strength score to determine how much weight you can carry, push, pull, or drag, as well as to rolls made to topple a heavy object, or to bend or break items.

• When you make a Strength Check or Strength Saving Throw, you can choose to add +5 to the d20 roll. You incur a level of Exhaustion each time you do this.


Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or greater. You must be wielding one of these weapons or (a weapon with familiarity to one of the listed weapons) in order to use the features provided by this feat: dagger, greatsword, longsword, rapier, scimitar, shortsword.

You are highly skilled at swordplay, and have learned to seamlessly blend offensive and defensive movements into a deadly dance of deflection and repartee. 


• You count as one size larger when determining whether you have advantage or disadvantage for resisting attempts to disarm you or beat your weapon or shield away. 

• You may Deflect attacks against you as a reaction, rather than a readied action.

Once per round, if you successfully Deflect an attack or resist a disarm or beat attempt, you may immediately make a melee weapon attack against the creature that attacked you. 

• As a bonus action on your turn you may increase the reach of one melee weapon attack by 5 feet. This uses 10 feet of your movement.

Grappler (Revised)

Prerequisite: Strength 13 or greater

You are a trained grappler, able to hold your own against creatures far larger and stronger than you are. 


• You have advantage on Attack rolls you make against creatures you are grappling.

• You may place a creature you are grappling in a Hold as a bonus action on your turn, and you may attempt to Hold, Pin, and Tackle creatures one size larger than you.

• A held creature your size or larger provides you with 3/4 cover.

• You are not restrained when you are pinning a creature. While pinning a creature, you must crawl when moving.



Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or greater

You are dedicated to maintaining your physical well being by eating healthily and exercising regularly. You gain the following benefits:


• Increase your Constitution score by 1 to a maximum of 22.

• Your Constitution can be raised to a maximum of 22 through feats and ability score increases.

• You add one-half your proficiency bonus to Death saving throws. 

• You can spend a hit die to remove a level of Exhaustion. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.


Halfling Blooded

Restriction: This feat can only be acquired at 1st level.  Halflings may not take this feat. 

You were born of mixed heritage, one of your parents or grandparents being a halfling. You are a foot shorter on average than most people of your non-halfling parent’s origin. Your ears are a bit longer, though still rounded unless the admixture of your heritage would produce pointed ears.  You gain the following benefits:


• You add +1 to your Dexterity score.

• You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

• You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to Tumble through a creature’s square.

• If your lifespan is less than 250 years, increase your lifespan by 50 years.

• You can speak Halfling. 

• Optional: When you take this feat, you may choose to gain a bit of the fabled halfling luck. You may re-roll an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, taking the second roll. Once you do so, you must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again. If you take this feature, you must choose one of the following drawbacks: either you have disadvantage on attack rolls with heavy weapons, or your walking speed is 25 feet. 


Orc Blooded

Restriction: This feat can only be acquired at 1st level.  Orcs and Half-Orcs may not take this feat. 

You were born of mixed ancestry, one of your parents or grandparents having been an Orc, and you have inherited your ancestor’s blood.

You gain the following benefits and features:


• You add +1 to your Strength score.

• Your lifespan decreases by one quarter, and you mature more rapidly than most members of your non-orcish ancestry.

• You have Darkvision out to 60 feet.

• When you are reduced to 0 hit points without being killed outright, you can instead choose to drop to 1 hit point. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

• When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice an additional time, adding the result to the damage of your critical hit.

• You can speak, read, and write Orcish. 

• Optional. When you take this feat, you can decide that your orc heritage is a bit more pronounced in you. You may choose one of the following benefits, which replaces either your extra critical hit damage die feature, or your feature preventing you from falling to 0 hit points (your choice).  

◘ You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, pull, and drag. 

◘ You can use a bonus action on your turn to move your speed toward an enemy that you can see or hear, so long as you end your movement closer to that enemy than you started.